At a pivotal moment for the cancer community, the Summit reviewed Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and explored new opportunities for progress. This year’s theme, United Against Cancer: Forging New Frontiers, resonated throughout the discussions.
This year's European Cancer Summit was co-chaired by:
The 2024 Summit report will be published in the New Year. Until then, discover the useful new publications unveiled at the Summit.
The European Cancer Summit returns next year on 19-20 November - in Brussels and online.
Please find below the list of sessions in the main Summit room. In addition, we have some special extra sessions in the Forum room, which are also included in the programme below.
08:30-09:00 |
Registration & Welcome Breakfast |
This year, registration and badge printing were located on the ground floor, to the right as you entered the hotel. Afterwards, attendees headed upstairs to enjoy a coffee and continental breakfast before the event kicked off. |
09:00-09:15 |
Opening Session |
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The session recording is now available here. |
09:15-10:30 |
United Against Cancer Inequalities: Forging Fair Cancer Outcomes for All |
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During this session, co-chaired by Nicolò Battisti and Sarah Collen, we presented new ECO initiatives on Women and Cancer and LGBTIQ, while also addressing other inequalities in cancer prevention and care highlighted by the European Cancer Pulse. To learn more about these initiatives, attendees had the opportunity to join the Spotlight presentations on Men and Cancer, Women and Cancer, the LGBTIQ and Cancer Survey, as well as the European Cancer Pulse & Country Reports. Speakers included:
The session recording is now available here. Read more about the Women and Cancer Report. Read more about the LGBTIQ Survey. |
10:00-10:30 |
Luxembourg room: Spotlight on INTERACT-EUROPE 100 |
The session features a presentation of the EU co-funded project on the Inter-Specialty Cancer Training Programme being rolled out across Europe. |
10:30-11:00 |
Networking Coffee Break |
11:00-12:00 |
Delivering a bright future in oncology – our Young Cancer Professionals session |
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In this session, co-chaired by Nikolina Dodlek and Andreas Charalambous, the best three of this year’s selected abstracts were presented by Young Cancer Professionals, with all other selected abstracts showcased during the Poster Presentations in the lunch break immediately following the session. Attendees also heard about the INTERACT-EUROPE 100 project on inter-disciplinary cancer training and had the opportunity to meet a new MEP who is himself a surgeon. For more on young cancer professionals and training opportunities, attendees could join the Spotlight on INTERACT-EUROPE 100 and the Special Meeting of the Young Cancer Professionals on Wednesday. Speakers included:
The session recording is now available here. Discover the 2024 Selected Abstracts. |
11:30-12:00 |
Luxembourg room: Spotlight on the European Cancer Pulse & Country Reports |
12:00-13:15 |
Networking Lunch (Luxembourg room, Brussels/Stockholm/Copenhagen/Oslo room & Foyer)Poster Presentations (Luxembourg room) |
13:15-14:30 |
Going Further on Prevention, Early Detection and Screening |
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Co-Chairs Isabel Rubio and Torsten Blum explored initiatives in both primary prevention and screening as part of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, with speakers:
The session recording is now available here. Read more about the European Cancer Screening Policy Index. |
13:30-14:15 |
Madrid room: Young Cancer Professionals Special Meeting |
The meeting is open to all Young Cancer Professionals aged 40 and under. |
13:45-14:30 |
Luxembourg room: Launch of the LGBTIQ and Cancer Survey |
14:30-14:45 |
Transition Break |
14:45-16:00 |
Stocktaking on Europe's Beating Cancer Plan: where have we come from, what have we achieved, what are the next frontiers? |
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As the handover at the European Commission approaches, this session reviewed the progress of implementing Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan – what has gone well and what needs to be accelerated. We also asked how individual countries are delivering the plan and looked at ECO’s work across Europe over the past 12 months. It was also a chance to acknowledge the leadership of Stella Kyriakides over the past five years. With ECO President Csaba Dégi and Summit Co-Chair Isabel Rubio including speakers:
The session recording is now available here. |
16:00-16:30 |
Networking Coffee Break |
16:30-17:45 |
Under Pressure: Safeguarding the health of Europe's oncology workforce from our Workforce Network |
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The Workforce Crisis in oncology and beyond has been a major area of focus for our Workforce Network over the past 12 months and in this session, we presented the results of our comprehensive survey and presented our report and recommendations. Our speakers have been asked to share their experiences and what their organisations are doing to address this crucial issue. With Chair Wim Ceelen, including speakers:
The session recording is now available here. Read more about the European Cancer Workforce Report. |
17:45-18:00 |
18:00-20:00 |
Networking Reception at the Summit venue |
This is World Pancreatic Cancer Day and to mark the occasion, we have speakers in two sessions who are experts in Pancreatic Cancer. You can find out more about World Pancreatic Cancer Day here.
Please find below the list of sessions in the main Summit room. In addition, we have some special extra sessions in the Forum room, which are also included in the programme below.
08:15-08:45 |
Registration & Welcome Breakfast |
This year, registration and badge printing were located on the ground floor, to the right as you entered the hotel. Afterwards, attendees headed upstairs to enjoy a coffee and continental breakfast before the sessions of the day started. |
08:45-10:00 |
Quality backed by evidence and systems: a review from our Health Systems & Quality Cancer Care Network |
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With Co-Chairs Yolande Lievens and Ajay Aggarwal, including speakers:
The session recording is now available here. |
09:15-10:00 |
Luxembourg room: Spotlight on Men and Cancer |
10:00-10:20 |
Networking Coffee Break |
10:20-11:35 |
Together Against Cancer in a Time of Crisis
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Recently, crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East have significantly impacted cancer patients, emphasising the importance of global collaboration within the cancer community to respond to these crises. Through our new Focused Topic Network on Emergencies and Crises, which draws on our experience on Covid-19 and the invasion of Ukraine, we developed a topical session which seeks to address the current and future challenges to cancer patients in conflict, crises and emergency situations. We highlighted the challenges through an intelligence-informed approach, built on our collective Manifesto on Improving Cancer Care in Conflict-Impacted Populations, recently published in The Lancet, and emphasised the urgency of the situation by issuing a Call to Action to deliver pragmatic solutions that best serve the health and wellbeing of cancer patients in crisis situations. With Co-Chairs Mark Lawler and Jacek Jassem, including speakers:
The session recording is now available here. |
11:00-11:45 |
Luxembourg room: Spotlight on Women and Cancer |
11:35-11:45 |
Transition Break |
11:45-13:00 |
Pioneers of Change in Cancer Research: Networks and Initiatives that made the difference (from our Research Policy Network) |
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During this session from our new Research Policy Network, we explored inspiring case studies and initiatives that our whole community should hear about. The focus was on clinical research, with experts sharing their positive experiences where networks came together to deliver meaningful change. With Chair Christine Chomienne, including speakers:
The session recording is now available here. |
12:00-13:00 |
Madrid room: HPV Action Now: Special Balkans Meeting |
ECO has been leading a special project on HPV vaccination and screening in Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania and plans to run a special HPV Balkans Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria in January 2025. In addition, we recently supported a number of Patient Organisations in the Balkans and beyond who wish to collaborate to improve cancer prevention and care in the Balkans. Find out more about our plans for a new initiative in the Balkans, including on HPV, by joining this special meeting in the Madrid room. |
12:30-13:00 |
Luxembourg room: Spotlight on the European Cancer Community Foundation |
13:00-14:00 |
Networking Lunch |
14:00-15:15 |
Building the Digital Future: from Legislation to Implementation from the Digital Health Network |
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With Co-Chairs Wim Oyen, Annemiek Snoeckx, and Alex Eniu, including speakers:
The session recording is now available here. |
15:15-15:25 |
Transition Break |
15:25-16:40 |
Going Global: Eliminating HPV and Hep B in Europe and beyond |
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Given the EU Council recommendations on Vaccine Preventable Cancers, we brought together experts on HPV and Hepatitis B to discuss vaccination and highlight the importance of cervical cancer screening. Our HPV and Hep B Action Network has been at the forefront of this work with special projects in Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania as well as ECO’s coordination of the PROTECT-EUROPE project. To hear more about the HPV Action Now campaign and our planned work in Balkan Countries, attendees joined the special meeting in the Madrid room on Thursday at 12:00. With moderators Alina Comănescu and Marko Gangur, ECO HPV Consultants and including speakers:
The session recording is now available here. |
16:40-17:00 |
Networking Coffee Break |
17:00-18:15 |
Quality of Life – the pre-eminent outcome measure from our Survivorship and Quality of Life Network |
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With Co-Chairs Andrew Davies and Luzia Travado, including speakers:
The session recording is now available here. |
18:15-18:25 |
Closing Session |
The session recording is now available here. |
18:50-19:00 |
Short walk to the Evening Function venue |
Maison Grand-Place - Grand Place 19, 1000 Brussels Please note that your badge is required to join this dinner (either Summit or Showcase Event badge). |
19:00-21:30 |
smartCARE & PROTECT-EUROPE Networking Cocktail Dinner |
To close the 2024 edition of the European Cancer Summit and welcome the delegates of the joint smartCARE & PROTECT-EUROPE Showcase Event, attendees will be invited to take a short stroll through the Royal Galleries to reach the renowned Grand Place for a networking cocktail dinner at the heart of Brussels at Maison Grand-Place, Grand Place 19. Please note that your badge is required (either Summit or Showcase Event badge). |
On Friday 22 November at the Summit venue, we invite you to discover smartCARE and PROTECT-EUROPE: two dynamic, flagship projects under the EU4Health Programme 2021-2027, led by the European Cancer Organisation. For more information on the programme, please visit the dedicated event webpage.
Following the success of two consecutive years of abstract submissions, and as part of our Young Cancer Professionals (YCP) group, the European Cancer Organisation is pleased to announce the 2024 selected abstracts.
Visit the dedicated page to discover the 16 outstanding posters and their authors.
Summit delegates will have the chance to exchange with the authors and find out more about their research during the Networking & Poster Presentations Lunch in the Luxembourg room on Wednesday, 20 November, from 12:00 to 13:15 CET.
After the Summit, the abstracts will be published in the Journal of Cancer Policy.
But there's more! Three authors have been selected to present their work during a special Young Cancer Professionals session featuring András Kulja, MEP & MD on Wednesday, 20 November, from 11:00 to 12:00 CET. The presenters are:
General Information on abstract submissions
Abstract submissions are open to lead authors aged 40 or younger, (and therefore eligible to join the ECO Young Cancer Professionals group). We particularly encourage lead author submissions from junior clinicians and academics. The successful abstracts are presented during the annual European Cancer Summit.
ECO is committed to delivering equitable and effective cancer care globally, translating the best evidence to policy and practice. Research abstracts must fit within our key Focused Topic Networks which reflect the priorities of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and EU Cancer Mission.
Due to space availability, 16 abstracts were selected and displayed in the poster room during the Summit. Abstracts are chosen based on representation across all ECO Focused Topic Networks and the lead authors receive free registration to the Summit. The best selected authors are invited to make a presentation during a special session to be held on Wednesday 20 November. The accepted abstracts will also be published on the ECO website and, after the Summit, in the Journal of Cancer Policy.
You can find the abstracts selected from the European Cancer Summit 2023 here.
Each abstract was reviewed blindly by the Co-Chairs of the relevant Focused Topic Network and responsible ECO Board Members. The submitted abstracts were evaluated according to an abstract scoring grid. The evaluators used the scoring grid as a reference framework during the evaluation.
Both smartCARE and PROTECT-EUROPE are dynamic, flagship projects under the EU4Health Programme 2021-2027 and led by the European Cancer Organisation.
On 22 November we celebrated the results of these two initiatives, reflected on the biggest lessons learned, and explored new opportunities for the future. Leaders in oncology, patient advocacy and policymakers met for a series of lively panel discussions and in-depth exchanges about these successful projects with significant potential.
Read more about the programme, speakers and outcomes here.