Vaccinating Europe to protect against HPV cancers

This project is connected to the ECO HPV and Hep B Action Network. Find out more.



HPV is a very common sexually transmitted virus that affects both the male and female population.  

Gender-neutral HPV vaccination is one of the flagship commitments of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

PROTECT-EUROPE is an EU4Health Project that champions gender-neutral vaccination programme in EU Member States to provide protection for everyone against cancers caused by HPV e.g. cervical, anal, penile, vaginal, vulval and oropharyngeal. 

ECO is coordinating this EU Project under the EU4Health Programme 2021-2027 and leading the project communication, dissemination and exploitation efforts in consultation with other 33 project partners. 

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The project provides Member States with guidance on:
  • Communication on HPV vaccination between clinicians and young people and their parents/caregivers
  • Developing effective public health messaging on HPV vaccination aimed at young people and their parents/caregivers
  • Proposing innovations that improve uptake (e.g. bundling adolescent vaccines)

22 November: register now for the Showcase Event!


Block your calendar for the day after the European Cancer Summit. Leaders in oncology, patient advocacy and policymakers will meet for lively panel discussions and in-depth exchanges on the lessons and opportunities from our flagship EU4Health project. 

Registration also includes entrance to the HPV and Hep B Action Network session at the Summit on 21 November.

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In the News:

Registration is open for the new free online training course for healthcare professionals entitled 'HPV Vaccines - From Prevention to Confidence Building', developed with support from the Catalan Institute of Oncology. The course runs from 2 September to 3 November. 


The Council of the European Union has adapted a groundbreaking set of recommendations to increase vaccination rates against both the human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B virus (Hep B) and combating cancers caused by these two viruses. These measures are crucial for advancing our efforts to prevent cancer across Europe. Read all about them

The third issue of the PROTECT-EUROPE newsletter is now out! Click here to read it, and find below the previous issues.

As part of the project's outputs, a series of ten masterclasses in HPV vaccination, based on the learnings from the project's Work Packages 2 and 3, will be delivered on a ‘hybrid’ basis. These masterclasses will focus on a variety of themes and topics, all connected with the project's aim of developing effective public health messaging on HPV vaccination aimed at young people and their parents or caregivers.

More information on HPV and its links to cancer can be found here.

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On 4 March, HPV Awareness Day, we have unveiled the next building block in the expanding PROTECT-EUROPE project.

The new PROTECT-EUROPE Hub is an open-access, online repository for healthcare providers, policymakers and other stakeholders dedicated to fighting the human papilloma virus and the many cancers it causes. The new Hub contains the latest lessons learned from the project, including peer-reviewed discoveries, best practices, training modules, public awareness tools, and links to an assortment of valuable external resources.

The Hub was officially launched during a hybrid webinar on HPV prevention and screening, held by the European Cancer Organisation.

Together, we can eliminate HPV!

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January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month! Here you can read an overview of those projects under the European Beating Cancer Plan that are tackling cancer prevention, including PROTECT-EUROPE and our partner projects ReThinkHPVaccination and PERCH.

Introducing the PROTECT-EUROPE Steering Committee and Advisory Board, a wide range of experts providing guidance and direction for the project.

Click on the picture above to read more.


What People Have to Say About PROTECT-EUROPE: 



PROTECT EUROPE Quote Andrea v2



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