PROTECT-EUROPE Values-Based Framework

The PROTECT-EUROPE Consortium has agreed to abide by a set of core values which will both inform and facilitate the effective governance and delivery of the project. These values will sit at the heart of our collaboration and every aspect of our work. By clearly defining these values, we believe we can better understand what is expected of each of us as organisations and individuals, recognise positive behaviour and, if necessary, take action where we fall short.

Value 1. RESPECT

All Consortium members are committed to the promotion of human rights and equality with reference to age, disability, sex, race, religion andbelief, sexual orientation and gender identity. We will embrace diversity, promote equity and challenge discrimination. We will treat each other fairly and appropriately, with kindness and respect, valuing each person’s and each organisation’s individual experience, perspectives and contribution.


We will work together as a team, in a way that is mutually supportive and inclusive. We will seek out and listen to different perspectives, openly share information with colleagues, and avoid working in isolation or silos.


We will strive to work to the highest possible standard to achieve the maximum possible impact. Because we are committed to objectivity, we will utilise the best available evidence to inform our ideas, practices and behaviours and we will change these when appropriate. We will treat the agreed project deliverables as the minimum required.


We will act in a way that is ethical, transparent and honest. We will declare and resolve any possible conflicts of interest and we will not act, or take decisions, in a way to gain financial or other material benefits for ourselves, families or friends.


We will aspire to be open-minded, creative, visionary and, where necessary, courageous in pursuit of the best possible solutions to the problems our project is addressing.


ECO acknowledges Imperial College London’s Values Behaviours Framework and the ‘Nolan principles’ of public life which have informed the preparation of this document

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