Healthcare Professional Education

Coordinator: European Cancer Organisation (ECO)
Objective: The project will recruit 100 cancer centers in Europe to implement a European inter-specialty cancer training programme involving all main oncology disciplines and professions and patient groups, based on relevant needs assessments.
ECO’s Role: WP1 Leader-Coordination, WP4 Leader- Recruitment and Communication.
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Coordinator: Turku AMK
Objective: To create a training programme to improve digital skills in clinical and non-clinical cancer professionals.
ECO’s Role: Participation in five (5) work packages; leading on establishing an Advisory Board; contributing to the development of the programme curriculum, creation and evaluation of the pilot plan, quality control and evaluation and, communication and dissemination.
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Coordinator: Cyprus University of Technology
Objective: To develop new training courses on professional development in digital skills for cancer professionals in co-operation with professional associations, education centres and other relevant organisation.
ECO’s Role: Work Package Leader on evaluation, exploitation and dissemination. Participating in five (5) work packages to support Blueprint development, literature review, development of training modules, training and piloting.
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