Launching the European Cancer Summit 2023 Report

21 February 2024

The European Cancer Organisation (ECO) is pleased to present the European Cancer Summit 2023 Report. Last November, the Summit brought together more than 450 experts, policymakers, and advocates for a dynamic exchange on the challenges and opportunities for improving cancer care in the coming five years.

Cancer won’t wait. Why should we?

The Summit Report highlights the strong commitment of the cancer community to accelerate improvements in cancer care policy, leading to better patient outcomes. It acknowledges that Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan as a significant opportunity to enhance cancer care, with many new projects already launched. Yet, it stresses the need for more rapid and focused action to make the most of this progress.

Developed in close collaboration with ECO's Focused Topic Networks, this report encapsulates the 12 Summit sessions, highlighting the key takeaways and memorable quotes from the panellists.

A special section of this year’s Summit Report is dedicated to the launch of the European Cancer Manifesto 2024 inaugurated at the Summit by EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides. Themed ‘Time to Accelerate – Europe Together Against Cancer’, the Manifesto outlines priority areas in EU cancer policy for the next European Commission.

To discover the full report click here.

Launching the European Cancer Summit 2023 Report