Joining Forces with the European Commission on World's Cancer Day - 24 Hours to Go

30 January 2024

World Cancer Day is coming. Every year, the cancer community comes together to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment.

Three years have now passed since the adoption of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. In our pursuit of closing the care gap. ECO and its community are joining forces with the European Commission on a high-level event hosted by Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, to take stock of Europe’s efforts to improve the lives of everyone touched by cancer and to take the lead in the fight against this disease.

Changing the realities of cancer is one of the main priorities of the European Commission in the health domain.

The occasion counts with a very complete agenda, which will orbit around the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and international cooperation in cancer. It involves the participation of experts, policy makers and officials from all over the EU, working at both European and national level. ECO Board Member Dr. Alberto Costa will be speaking at the “Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: Eradicating inequalities” session taking place at 16:15 CET.

Follow the livestream of the event here.

For more information about cancer inequalities in Europe, you can visit the European Cancer Pulse tool, which tracks inequalities in cancer from all around the continent.

If you wish to know more about what ECO is doing to tackle cancer inequalities, you can also visit the ECO Inequalities Network.

Joining Forces with the European Commission on World's Cancer Day - 24 Hours to Go