ECO Responds to Consultation on the legislative framework for Tobacco Control

23 May 2023

The European Cancer Organisation (ECO) has responded to the European Commission evaluation of the legislative framework for tobacco control public consultation.The consultation aimed to help evaluate to what extent the framework has fulfilled its goals and whether it is able to support a ‘tobacco-free generation’ by 2040, as announced in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

With the support of its Prevention, Early Detection and Screening Network, ECO had opportunity to consider the proposals and recommended to the European Commission for its evalution:

  1. Achieving a significant raise in the minimum excise duty on cigarettes;
  2. Bringing the taxation of novel smoking products, such as vapes and heated tobacco, into line with cigarettes;
  3. Strengthening packaging rules by introducing mandatory plain standardised packaging, with graphic health warnings covering 80% of the front and the back of all tobacco products, and introducing pack inserts;
  4. Harmonising the definitions of tobacco and related products across EU legislation;
  5. Banning all flavours in every tobacco product and prohibiting flavour accessories and additives;
  6. The publication of annual reports on the progress towards achieving a tobacco free generation by 2040;
  7. The prohibition of cross‐border distance (online) sales of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes;

Furthermore, in the context of Evaluation of the legislative framework for tobacco control, ECO recommends a commitment be made by EU member states to work collectively to raise the minimum age for tobacco sales to 21.

 Our full response is available here.