ECO Responds to the European Commission Consultation on Asbestos Screening, Registering and Monitoring

10 February 2023

The European Cancer Organisation (ECO) has responded to a recent European Commission consultation on asbestos screening, registering and monitoring.  The call for evidence was issued in advance of a future legislative initiative to be proposed by the Commission later in 2023.

With the support of our Prevention, Early Detection and Screening Network, ECO has had an opportunity to consider the proposals and provided the below key areas of feedback for consideration. ECO:

  • Suggests that EU member states, through the upcoming legislative proposal, make a shared legal commitment to a common goal of eliminating all asbestos in Europe;
  • Proposes regular monitoring and reporting of progress toward this goal and that the process for doing so be outlined within the legislative proposal;
  • Recommends for inclusion in the legislative proposals, as part of an EU asbestos elimination plan, mandatory screening of asbestos in buildings and the establishment and maintenance of national asbestos registers. In addition, member states should develop and publish their national asbestos removal strategies.
  • Proposes the creation of clear European-level guidelines for countries: on how best to conduct screening; in support of the creation of interoperable registers, and on recommended aspects for inclusion in national strategies;
  • Urges the creation of a long-term strategy of the EU and member states to support research in asbestos control and elimination;
  • Recommends the EU and its member states commit themselves to supporting the achievement of a global asbestos ban.

ECO also highlights, in the context of this consultation, the need for the EU and its member states to give support to Ukraine, now and in the future, to combat the exposure of asbestos brought about Russian military attacks on civilian infrastructure.

Our full response is available here.

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