Resolution on COVID-19 and Cancer Care

19 November 2020

Resolution passed during the European Cancer Summit 2020:

Simply returning to pre COVID-19 cancer systems is not an option. We must urgently address the COVID-19 induced backlog in all aspects of cancer control and build back better cancer care delivery systems for European citizens and patients.

European Cancer’s New Normal must deliver more resilient cancer systems that:

1. Urgently address the cancer backlog

2. Restore confidence of European citizens and patients in cancer health services

3. Tackle medicines, products and equipment shortages

4. Address cancer workforce gaps across the European continent

5. Employ innovative technologies to strengthen cancer systems and provide optimal care to cancer patients

6. Embed data collection and the rapid deployment of cancer intelligence to enhance policy delivery

7. Secure deeper pan-European health cooperation

Cancer must not become the Forgotten “C” in the Fight against COVID-19.