HPV Change Makers

The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes a variety of different cancers, often resulting in suffering and death. The tragedy is that almost all these cancers are preventable with a simple vaccine and periodic screening. But how to get governments to offer these services and their citizens to accept them?

Meet some inspiring advocates who have made a powerful case for change in their countries.

Ico Toth Banner 24 Jan

Jamie Rae Banner 24 Jan

Ana Maita Banner 24 Jan

Barbro new banner 2 Feb 2023

Do you know of other HPV Change Makers having a meaningful impact against HPV cancers? Their stories help guide and inspire us. 

Let us know here.

HPV Action Network Activities


HPV Activities 25 Jan Testimonies



HPV Activities 25 Jan Network

To learn more about the HPV Action Network and its founder, Daniel Kelly, visit Our Story.