2nd Stakeholder Forum of the EUonQoL project: measuring what matters for cancer patients in Europe.
Join us for an impactful event where we explore the latest developments in Quality of Life (QoL) measurement and its vital role in shaping public health and cancer policies in Europe!
Building on the previous event of the EUonQoL project, we will bring together experts in cancer and QoL research, healthcare professionals, patients, and policymakers to discuss:
What is the EUonQoL project
EUonQoL is an EU-funded initiative aiming to develop, pilot, validate and disseminate the European Oncology Quality of Life toolkit (EUonQoL-Kit), which is a unified set of questionnaires for the assessment of quality of life among cancer patients.
Part of the EU Cancer Mission, EUonQoL bears the long-term ambition of improving quality of life and wellbeing for cancer patients across Europe, informing better cancer policies through implementation of standardised measurement at national level.
As a participant, we want to hear from you:
The meeting will include interactive sessions to discuss these questions and participants’ input will be incorporated into a landmark policy report.
Whether you’re a researcher, policymaker, patient, or healthcare professional, the EUonQoL Stakeholder Forum is your chance to have your voice heard as we work to shape the future of quality of life in cancer!
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement Nº 101096362.
15:00 - 15:05 |
Welcome and Introduction |
Norbert Couespel - Policy Research & EU Projects Manager, European Cancer Organisation |
15:05 – 15:15 |
Presentation of the EUonQoL project |
Cinzia Brunelli - EUonQoL Project Coordinator, Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano |
15:15 – 15:50 |
News from the EUonQoL questionnaires: Piloting results and next steps of development |
Presentation of the key results from the EUonQoL-Kit piloting and discussion on the next steps towards the new version of the Kit through an interactive poll.
15:50 – 16:40 |
Interactive sessions |
Break-out room A: Patient involvement in designing quality of life measurement: what have we learnt?Femke van Schelven - Postdoctoral Researcher, NIVEL (moderator) With participation of the EUonQoL patient and caregiver co-researchers |
Break-out room B: Measurement in real-life: how to overcome the challenges to the implementation of quality of life questionnaires in cancer systems?
Break-out room C: Making EUonQoL a reality: designing the EUonQoL implementation guidelinesAlen Brkic – Postdoctoral Researcher, Oslo University Hospital (moderator) |
16:40 – 17:00 |
Conclusions from the discussions and next steps |
Cinzia Brunelli - EUonQoL Project Coordinator, Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano |