PROTECT-EUROPE News - February 2024

16 February 2024

On 4 March, HPV Awareness Day, we will unveil the next building block in the expanding PROTECT-EUROPE project.

The new PROTECT-EUROPE Hub is an open-access, online repository for healthcare providers, policymakers and other stakeholders dedicated to fighting the human papilloma virus and the many cancers it causes. The new Hub contains the latest lessons learned from the project, including peer-reviewed discoveries, best practices, training modules, public awareness tools, and links to an assortment of valuable external resources.

The Hub will be accessible throughout the duration of the project, and beyond. It will be officially launched during a hybrid webinar fully dedicated to HPV prevention and screening, which will also include lessons learned from three EU countries and an exploration of the latest insights and best practices.

Join us and witness the launch by registering here.

PROTECT-EUROPE News - February 2024