Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care: Ovarian

18 September 2023

The European Cancer Organisation is proud to announce the release today of its ‘Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care: Ovarian’.

Ovarian cancer is the 8th most frequent cancer diagnosis and the 8th leading cause of cancer death in women.

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The new document, crafted by European experts representing different disciplines, provides oncology teams, patients, policymakers, and managers with an overview of the critical elements needed in any healthcare system to establish high-quality ovarian cancer care.­­­

Acknowledging the disparities in services and capabilities among different nations, the expert team pinpoints practical needs that could be met universally. These encompass everything from arranging healthcare, establishing schedules, and allocating resources to delineate the functions and obligations within ovarian cancer teams.

“This paper on ERQCC Ovarian cancer, sets the stage for the requirements for addressing the complexity of this disease and what is nowadays needed as far as resources, multidisciplinary expertise and coordination to provide whole patient quality care along with the best evidence-based available treatments to patients diagnosed with this cancer" said Luzia Travado, ERQCC Ovarian Co-Chair and clinician and researcher of Psycho-Oncology at Champalimaud Foundation in Lisbon,  “a step forward for a future Quality Assurance Scheme for the accreditation of Ovarian Cancer treatment Units or services" she concluded.

"Care for women with ovarian cancer should be organised in pathways that cover the patient journey from diagnosis to follow up, including surgical/medical treatment, rehabilitation, psychosocial support, survivorship and palliative care” stated Cristiana Sessa, ERQCC Ovarian Co-Chair and honorary consultant at Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland. “Initial surgery is the mainstay of treatment and poor access to a specialist team results in suboptimal surgical care and staging”.

Collectively, these new requirements offer a vision of good practice and outline the necessary measures to achieve it.

Discover the new requirements here.