Resolution on Integration of Cancer Care

14 September 2018

Developed together with member societies of the European Cancer Organisation and its Patient Advisory Committee, and including a public consultation period, the resolution on Integration of Cancer Care reads:

'By 2025, all national cancer plans in Europe should contain ambitious and measurable goals and actions to improve the integration of primary care healthcare professionals and informal carers within multidisciplinary care to patients.'


The resolution was passed during the 2018 European Cancer Summit.


Supporting Actions

  • By January 2020, European level patient organisations, healthcare professional associations and other stakeholder organisations should express a consensus position about the preferred means by which integration of cancer care can be meaningfully measured and compared between countries. This should include consideration of how support provided to informal carers might be most effectively measured.
  • By the end of 2021, reporting on the extent to which primary care is integrated in the delivery of cancer care in European health systems should be included within European Commission, OECD and  European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies health system monitoring exercises such as the ‘State of Health in the EU’, ‘Health at a Glance’, PaRIS and the European Cancer Information System (ECIS).
  • By 2022, formal European Commission best practice guidelines should be published advising EU member states on the means by which better integration of cancer care can be achieved. This can be informed by, among other sources, existing European Commission best practice collections on integration of healthcare, the findings and recommendations of the State of Health in the EU exercise, and the work of several EU Health Programme funded Joint Actions on Cancer Control.
This resolution builds upon the European Cancer Organisation project to define the essential requirements for primary care interventions throughout the cancer care pathway.