Nicola Normanno

Nicola Normanno
Director of the Cell Biology and Biotherapy Unit, Director of the Translational Research Department, INT Fondazione Pascale, Naples.

 Dr Nicola Normanno is Director of the Cell Biology and Biotherapy Unit of INT Fondazione “G. Pascale” and from 2006 he is the Chairman of the Translational Research Department of the same institute. Dr. Normanno leads a research group involved in both pre-clinical and clinical studies, with particular regard to the identification of biomarkers associated with sensitivity/resistance to target-based agents in clinical development. Dr. Normanno’s group has been one of the first to use next generation sequencing (NGS)-based techniques for biomarkers discovery in clinical trials in lung and colon carcinoma. His group has also a relevant expertise in liquid biopsy. Dr. Normanno is also involved in clinical diagnostics and in the organization of national and international external quality assessment (EQA) schemes in molecular pathology. Dr Normanno is a member of many national and international cancer research associations (AACR, ESMO, EACR, AIOM, SIC, GOIM, AIOT). He is President of the International Quality Network for Pathology (IQN Path) and Past President of the Italian Cancer Society (SIC). Dr. Normanno is author of more than 300 publications in peer-reviewed journals and he is a reviewer for many scientific journals.

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