Natacha Bolaños

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Global Alliances Manager and Regional Manager, Lymphoma Coalition Europe, and Patient Advisory Committee (PAC) Member, European Cancer Organisation


EUPATI fellow with significant experience in patient advocacy, patient education and service provision in the field of cancer. Before joining Lymphoma Coalition in 2017, she had successfully held Patient and Public affairs roles in cancer charities in Spain since 2011, was appointed Board Member of ECPC from 2016 to 2017 and is currently member of the EHA´s European Affairs Committee, the ESMO Patient Advocacy Working Group and the EBMT Patient Advocacy Committee. She is also member of the GoCART Coalition and contributes to other projects at European level, as Harmony Alliance and Resilience. Natacha has worked at a national and European level with multi-stakeholder partnerships, educational groups, and she is deeply committed to improving the quality of life for patients. She has contributed with HTA processes and is frequently invited to provide the patient perspective in different scenarios. In addition to the role at EU level, she is currently member of the Institutional Working Group on the Plan to Access Advanced Therapies in the National Health System in Spain. Natacha holds a degree in Cancer Rehabilitation Through Exercise Referral.


Updated: June 2021