
We are grateful to all of the patients, patient advocates and healthcare colleagues who have stimulated us to persevere with the production of the European Code of Cancer Practice and this supporting Medical Literature and Evidence paper.

The original suggestion that a European Code of Cancer Practice should be prepared as a succinct way of conveying the key requirements of good cancer practice grew from the work of the European Cancer Concord and its Executive. It was suggested by Dr Sakari Karjalainen, the President of the Association of European Cancer Leagues at a meeting of the European Cancer Organisation Patient Advisory Committee and the members of the European Cancer Concord Executive in 2017.

The support of the leaders, officers and team at the European Cancer Organisation has been critical to the success of the project and we are most grateful to them for their hard work and support.  In preparing the Medical Literature and Evidence paper, we have drawn heavily on Problem Solving in Patient-Centred and Integrated Cancer Care published by EBN Health and we are grateful to the publisher, Duncan Enright, for his permission to use their copyright and to reproduce figures and text from the book in this Paper.  We have drawn heavily on the work of the Swedish Institute for Health Economics and we are grateful to them for permission to reproduce numerous figures and analyses from their Comparator Report on Cancer in Europe, 2019. The EU Joint Action Against Cancer (EPAAC and CanCon) have been powerful influences and resources for this paper.

We are most grateful to Nicole Goldman who has so carefully and conscientiously prepared the text of the Code and Medical Literature and Evidence paper.


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