Resolution on Quality Cancer Care (Measurement)

14 September 2018

Developed together with member societies of the European Cancer Organisation and its Patient Advisory Committee, and including a public consultation period, the resolution on Quality Cancer Care (Measurement) reads:

'By 2023 an agreed set of core standards and evidence-based indicators (based on processes and patient outcomes) to measure the quality of all cancer services in European countries should be in place.'

The resolution was passed during the 2018 European Cancer Summit.


Supporting Actions

  • By September 2019, European level organisations representing cancer institutions, healthcare professionals involved in all stages of the cancer care pathway, patients and other stakeholders, should express a consensus position on the core elements of a such an agreed set of core standards and evidence-based indicators.

  • By 2021, the European Commission, OECD and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, should include specific reporting on the quality of cancer services as part of its existing activities in monitoring and reporting on health systems, such as the ‘State of Health in the EU ’ exercise, PaRIS and the European Cancer Information System (ECIS). Such reporting should be informed by the work of European stakeholder organisations leading activity on this topic, such as the Organisation of European Cancer Institutions (OECI).

This resolution builds on the work of the European Cancer Organisation in respect to the Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care, as well as initiatives of member societies of the European Cancer Organisation such as the Accreditation and Designation Programme of the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI).